Good Reads

  • Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child- Marc Weissbluth
  • Magic Trees of the Mind...-Marian Diamond & Janet Hopson
  • What's Going on In There?... -Lise Eliot

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Yoga My World...

So I have been going to yoga and it is just amazing, even though I have to get up at the butt crack of dawn. I have lost 2.6 pounds so far and I am sooo excited about my progress. It is really important to me to keep doing it so that I can practice when I am pregnant with my other children. It is interesting to me that I already place so much importance on treating my children equally even though K is the only one already here. I swear all of her yoga classes are much of the reason she is such a happy girl. I think having four pets has been great practice for having four kids. After all, when Baby K came home from the hospital, Patrick said she was a lot like getting a puppy, except slightly easier... which coming from him is a huge compliment.
I have been teaching K sign language and I don't think she quite gets what is going on, but she sure thinks it's funny! She waves her hands around a lot now and people always think she's waving at them, I don't tell them that she just does that all the time- why not let her be treated like a little genius once in a while. I am using a great book called "Baby Sign" that breaks down how to teach your baby starting at 4 months. OH MY GOSH I AM SOO THAT MOM!!! But when she is 25 and knows the sign for sleep and bath, she will thank me. (Oh the delusions of a new mother...)
She has also started trying to crawl, which is very exciting. She does a great inch worm and I am going to enter her into the next season of "so you think you can dance". I love my bugaboo!
By the way, isn't the resemblance between Lacy and K uncanny?

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What I'm Reading Now...

  • Stop Dressing Your Six-Year-Old Like a Skank... by Celia Rivenbark
  • The Anxiety Book by Jonathan Davidson