Good Reads

  • Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child- Marc Weissbluth
  • Magic Trees of the Mind...-Marian Diamond & Janet Hopson
  • What's Going on In There?... -Lise Eliot

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ruffing It...

So we went camping this past weekend for the first time in years! I thought it was going to be totally awful and that I was "taking one for the team" but it ended up being amazing! Karissa became a nature baby and it brought Patrick and I much closer together- something I had not anticipated. We went to Juniper Springs up in Ocala and even set up our own tent outside inside of in our living room like I had originally wanted to do. :) Oh, and the redneck contingency was priceless; we tried to start counting how many times someone told their kids they were going to "bust their ass" over the course of the weekend but lost count at around 150... it was like being in our very own episode of King of the Hill.
I went to yoga after looking at pictures of myself from the weekend (if you notice I am only posting pictures of Patrick and Baby K.) It was a little scary and a lot hard the first time back, but people were super supportive. The teacher announced to the class that I was back after taking a break and having a baby and I was sooo proud of myself. It was great to hear my laziness and inadequacy as being framed as merely taking a break. I realized that I need to be much more gentle regarding how I have spent my time as being a mom and wife. Will I ever be a size 6 or 8 again? ABSOLUTELY!!! But it's okay if I am not right now. I thought that I was going to end up eating a big ol' piece of humble pie but it ended up being a pie of acceptance instead, which tastes far better.
We went to sushi last night and when Patrick was holding K, she started saying dadadada over and over- I know that she doesn't know what she's saying but of course I started crying anyway because the joy on Patrick's face was priceless. She has been saying it for weeks but of course never when he was in earshot. She is such a tease!

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What I'm Reading Now...

  • Stop Dressing Your Six-Year-Old Like a Skank... by Celia Rivenbark
  • The Anxiety Book by Jonathan Davidson